Friday, January 18, 2008

Caterpillar to Butterfly, fly away.

Early this morning at 323am, my beautiful mother, Debra Atia Lynn, passed from breast cancer.

Although we all knew that this day was coming, I did not expect it to be so fast. Her breathing had started to labor earlier that night and the nurse told us that this was a sign of passing. I knew this already and just steeled myself, if you will for what was to come next. I made the calls I needed to make and waited by her side. Her grip that was tight in the beginning of the night started to get weaker. My brother's head on my lap, much like he used to do when he was little and scared, I holding her hand, my beautiful Mother gave one last breath and slipped into Heaven.

To my mother:

All that I am, all that I have ever been, all that I will be was because of your love and grace. I know that you are above me, smiling and knowing that I will be okay, but for now, I am going to be selfish and just cry a little more for you. But know this: I will always carry myself in your absences as I did in your presence. I love you and I miss you already. The world just seems a whole lot dimmer now that you are gone.

Tu bisard doste dardi, Mother-jaan, bisard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...



I am so sorry for your loss. My heart cries for you.

I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Please keep in touch.

Hugs to you.
